Tuesday May 21, 2019
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM MDT
Tue, May 21, 2019
5:30 PM – 7:30 PM MDT
Sommers Law Group Classroom 390 Union Blvd Suite 280 Lakewood, CO 80228
Sommers Law Group Classroom 390 Union Blvd Suite 280 Lakewood CO 80228
Free Admission
Call Mandy 303-984-9900. Or https://www.eventbrite.com/e/retire-mentality-and-retirement-plans-with-estate-planning-registration-60279755371
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Retire Mentality:
? Do you have enough money to retire comfortably?
? Strategizing and planning your income needs.
? Making your retirement savings last.
? Retirement considerations to think about, such as legacy planning and long term care.
Retirement Plans and your Estate Plan -- How you can:
? Force your beneficiaries to roll over your retirement plan into an Inherited IRA.
? Protect the inherited retirement plan from your beneficiaries’ divorce, creditors, bankruptcy, or poor money-management.
? Control who will inherit your retirement plan if the primary beneficiary is gone.
? Prevent a costly court process that may be necessary if a minor child is the beneficiary on your retirement plans.